The dog ate my homework… the parrot ate my logbook! - Number1Plates

The dog ate my homework… the parrot ate my logbook!

We all know that losing a document is a real pain, especially when they’re government documents! From leaving it in an old car to just simply misplacing it, we’ve heard it all. Well, that being said, we thought we had heard it all! 

The DVLA have recently updated their system of ordering a replacement V5C logbook, with Julie Lennard the DVLA Chief Executive confirming that “Our online service to replace a V5C is quick and easy to use and means customers will receive their replacement vehicle registration certificate within the week”. Since its launch, the service was used 300,000 times by people looking to replace their V5C.

Lennard continued to say that people shouldn’t be shy regarding explaining why they are in need of a replacement V5C, and we can see why she’s saying this! When the DVLA HQ at Swansea took a look at some of the most obscure reasons, there were some shocking ones! (but highly entertaining!).


v5c logbook


Here are some of the top reasons for a replacement V5C that the DVLA received:

  • “My dog ate it” – Okay, as you know this is an old-school classic with homework, but when it comes to a logbook, it’s definitely a new one we haven’t heard of! A very hungry dog with a very dissatisfied owner we imagine.


  • “It went into the washing machine”… Ten pound notes are the usual suspects to be left in a trouser pocket with the washing machine, however this gentleman took it a step further with his V5C! It’s an easy mistake however we can’t help but wonder, why would you put it in your trouser pocket!


  • “We are making a scrapbook”… This lady was struggling to find her documents, until she came across her child’s school book, which was covered in the V5C she was looking for! Pretty inventive from the kid we must say but sadly it meant a £25 replacement for mum!


  • “I thought it was gift wrap!”… A birthday gone wrong! When this person was lucky enough to receive a new car for their birthday, things took a turn for the worse when they tore open the paper to find the keys! Only to discover that the ‘wrapping’ they had torn off was actually the V5C Logbook! Luckily with the new updated government system they were easily able to order a new one!


  • “The wind stole it”… The wind? Yes! The logbook was left on the side when a gust of wind swept it through the window and outside. When the lady went out to try to find the logbook, it was nowhere to be found. We can only conclude that it was either the wind or fairies. 


  • “The shredder ate it”… We all get taught valuable life lessons from not paying attention, and this gentleman certainly did when he was shredding paper only to realise afterwards that it was actually his V5C which he had shredded. We hope he didn’t try to stick the pieces back together and instead just went straight to the DVLA!


  • “My child is making it into a mud pie”… When documents land into the wrong hands, and in this case we are talking about a young grandchild. The lady turned around to find that her grandchild had taken the logbook and hidden it in the garden with mud and dirt. Gross but highly entertaining!


  • “It’s in a hotel in Gobi, Asia”… A gap year travelling and driving through Asia went wrong when this poor fellow managed to leave his documents in a hotel in Gobi! Luckily, the DVLA were as understanding as ever and made sure that he received his V5C. We’re just hoping that he didn’t leave other documents such as passports behind!


  • “My parrot happened”… This definitely tops them all. We’ve heard of the dog eating it and leaving it in your pocket whilst it goes through the washing machine, however have we ever heard of a parrot ripping up important documents? No, but we are really glad we now have!


No matter how spurious the reasoning is, it is really important you reorder your V5C logbook as soon as you realise it is destroyed / lost. Luckily the turn-around time for receiving your new documentation has massively reduced thanks to the new systems in place! 

It’s important that you always have an up-to-date logbook with your car details on, as it’s a necessary thing to have. Especially when it comes to buying a new registration and transferring it over, or even just purchasing a new number plate! (This is as we can accept V5C documentation as proof of entitlement).

If you do need to purchase a new V5C Logbook, the fee is £25 from the DVLA. Just follow here to be redirected to the site, and if you are struggling with anything then don’t hesitate to reach out to us at and we will be more than happy to help you with any queries at all!


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